The Collie Adventure Trails are named collectively under a fauna-based name, Wambenger Trails. Wambenger is a common name for the brush-tailed phascogale, a little known Australian marsupial found in high densities in the Collie River Valley. These small, nocturnal, carnivorous marsupials primarily hunt and live among the tree canopy. Wambengers are currently listed as threatened species, as such they can be rather difficult to spot in the wild.
Named after the animal, the Wambenger Trails network encompasses all sanctioned walk, mountain bike, cycle, paddle, snorkel, horse, trail-bike, 2WD and 4WD trails, as well as art, history and cultural trails across the Collie region. When you visit Collie you will begin to notice the Wambenger logo, sculptures and artworks everywhere you go!
There is an overview of each trail, reviews and directions on how to get there on our website.
Wambenger Trails App: The Wambenger Trails app is your go-to guide for discovering all there is to do and see in and around Collie. All the trails, all the attractions in the palm of your hand. Find out where to go, what to see, how to get there, your location, emergency and other useful local information with the Wambenger Trails app. Download the free app from the App Store or Google Play or explore the app online.
Map: View our Wambenger Trail Interactive Map.