Aboriginal Culture
Australia’s South West is an ancient land and home to one of the world’s oldest living cultures, with the Aboriginal Noongar Nation's connection to Boodja (Country) dating back more than 50,000 years.
Traditional custodians and conservationists, the Noongar peoples are caretakers of Country, watching over the native flora and fauna, as well as their cultures’ unique and rich stories, languages, ceremonies, art, song and dance. They possess a spiritual and physical connection to the land, waters and communities. The protection of this and their unique stories and traditions passed down by elders for generations, are hugely important to the continuation of Noongar culture.
The South West is host to several language groups including the Pinjarup, Wiilman, Wadandi, Pibelman, Kaneang, Menang, and Koreng Aboriginal communities. Visitors are encouraged to respect and learn about Country through their eyes, by immersing themselves in First Nations culture up close.
Experience the thrill of hearing a live didgeridoo performance inside a cave, learn about the dreaming stories reflected in Aboriginal art, discover ancient fish traps and waterholes, locate native bush foods, or make traditional medicines and tools, all with local guides. Learn more about the vast biodiversity of the region and its connection to culture on an Aboriginal cultural experience or tour in the South West.
Sustainability and conservation are vital to the continuation of Aboriginal culture. Learn about the six-season calendar during your visit, still used by Noongar peoples today to represent the weather and seasonal changes in flora and fauna we see across the region throughout the year.
Just like the gentle coastal breezes that blow off the South West’s pristine bays, as we travel we are asked to pass through Country without changing it.
Cultural connection
Don't miss!

South West Multicultural Festival
Travel around the world in just a few hours!

Katanning Harmony Festival
A festival full of colour, culture, connection and excitement.

Art Lover’s Road Trip
Australia's South West is a region with a rich historical past and a thriving arts community.

6 Unforgettable Aboriginal Experiences In Australia’s South West
Experience the incredible indigenous culture of the South West with these unique experiences. Get hands on with an Aboriginal tour...
Six Seasons of the South West
Learn more about the Noongar six seasons and the Aboriginal peoples’ deep connection to Boodja (Country).